Should I be Running Facebook Ads? #FAQuesday
There is a slew of different ways to advertise your business online these days. How do you know which platforms are the best bang for your buck? Aside from AdWords, which you should definitely be running, Facebook comes out on top. The audience is far too large and the targeting is much too precise to be ignored completely. Here are three reasons why you should be promoting your business on Facebook. 1. Your Target Audience is Already There Pretty much everyone has a Facebook account these days. No, seriously. There are over 1.6 billion active users currently registered to Facebook. No matter who your target audience is, they are reachable through Facebook advertising. It’s simply a matter of targeting them. 2. Your Money Goes Further Gaining organic traffic through your business’s Facebook page is quite difficult these days. In fact, reaching your entire audience for free is nearly impossible. The … Continued
Why Does My Business Need AdWords? #FAQuesday
It used to be enough to rely solely on SEO strategies to keep your phone ringing, but due to some of Google’s latest updates, it’s not your safest option to turn your back on PPC. What changed? In February 2016, Google announced that it was killing right sidebar ads, and moving a fourth position to the top of the search results page. Does this impact me? This has a huge impact on organic results. While there used to only be three ads at the top of the page, there’s now an additional ad taking up space. Often times, organic results can’t even be seen until you scroll further down the results page. Do you want to rely on results that people have to scroll to find instead of getting a top-of-the-page position that searchers will see first What should I do? If you aren’t currently running ads with AdWords, it’s … Continued
How Do I Respond to Google Reviews of My Business? #FAQuesday
With a sleek, professionally designed website and a plethora of Google reviews brimming with positive accounts of your service, your company is way ahead of the curve when it comes to digital marketing. If you’re not responding to those reviews, however, you could be missing out on opportunities to directly connect with potential lifelong customers.
Why Should I Hire a Digital Marketing Agency? #FAQuesday
Has your lead generation come to a screeching halt? Does your website still look like it belongs in an era where neon color schemes were all the rage? If inbound marketing hasn’t provided the results you’re looking for, take your business to the next level by hiring a digital marketing company. So why should hiring a digital marketing agency be your next step? Let our very own team at The Web Guys give the rundown on the best reasons to enlist the help of an agency: 1) Experience & Training Becoming well-versed in all facets of online marketing, whether it’s social media, search engine results or website design, isn’t an overnight process. Although we wish that could be the case, digital marketing is an ongoing process that takes a high level of training, skills, and commitment. Also, it can be downright confusing. For example, take a look at what our … Continued
What is a “Client Success Advisor?” #FAQuesday
Modern business ownership is much more than setting up shop, putting an ad in the paper, and waiting for clients to find you. To really succeed, your business needs technical prowess and a strong Iinternet presence. At The Web Guys, we’ve discovered the perfect solution to maintaining your company’s online presence: Client Success Advisors. A Client Success Advisor is the secret to keeping your brand consistent across the search engine ecosystem. Let Us Be Your Guide When you partner with us for your digital marketing needs, you’ll receive much more than a website. A partnership with TWG means that you’ll have a staff of dedicated Client Success Advisors, ready to assist and guide you with various aspects of managing your Internet presence. From verifying that your business NAP (name, address, and phone number) is consistent and present on the web’s top business directories to keeping your website up- to- date … Continued
Why Should I Outsource AdWords Management? #FAQuesday
AdWords is like a foreign language to many business owners. Until you take the time to dive in and learn as much as you can about it, it’s overwhelming and difficult to understand. Not only is it a large task to learn about AdWords, it’s always evolving. In order to stay ahead, you have to keep up with all the new updates that Google is making amongst the other struggles you’ll find below. 1. The dashboard is confusing. The number of tabs are overwhelming when you open an AdWords account. See the screenshot below as an example of the tabs that are likely difficult to understand for a first-time user. 2. You have to know the language. To even begin to understand the dashboard, you need to know the AdWords lingo. Do you know all about campaigns, ad groups, modified broad-match keywords, and RLSA bid adjustments? It’s confusing! The more … Continued
What’s the Difference Between AdWords & AdWords Express? #FAQuesday
With a name like “AdWords Express”, it’s easy to assume that it must be a quick and effective way to get your business involved with AdWords. This is true, but the differences between a regular and Express campaign are far greater than most may realize. The Web Guys team is going to clear things up to help decide what’s best for your business. Learn more about AdWords in a previous blog. Overview AdWords Express AdWords Pay only for clicks Yes Yes Automated Management Yes No Ads on Google Search & Maps Yes Yes Ads on other related websites Limited Yes Mobile ads Yes Yes Advanced ad formats (videos, graphics, etc.) No Yes Geographic targeting ability Anywhere Anywhere Ability to use without website Yes No Pros & Cons Breakdown AdWords Express Pros: Having a website isn’t necessary. Many features are automated, so ongoing management is minimal. Only pay when someone clicks … Continued
Why Do I Need an “About Us” Page on My Website? #FAQuesday
For many businesses, the traffic coming to their website represents potential sales. But as digital marketing moves towards creating a more comprehensive experience rather than being only a sales funnel, it may be advantageous to explore ways to make connections with your website’s visitors. Having an About Us page is key to portraying your company as a client-focused business with actual human beings behind the wheel. Tell Your Story What sets your business apart from your competitors? An About Us page is the ideal opportunity to showcase your “P.O.D.” or Point of Difference. Whether your company’s story grew from humble beginnings and became a local legend or you run a nationally branded organization, there’s always a story to be told. Make sure users on your site are well-acquainted with the positive attributes of your company (including the people who work there) that make you the right choice for their needs. … Continued
Why Do Websites Cost So Much? #FAQuesday
It is now 2016. Every business needs a website. The size and scope of that site varies by company, of course, but a presence on the web is a must to help grow and spread its reach. Web design professionals are frequently asked why websites are so expensive to design, create, and manage. The answer is fairly simple: there are a lot of moving parts at play. Let’s take a look at some of the forces behind building and maintaining a website. The Design Everyone holds their brand near and dear to their heart, and they should. Your brand is a representation of you, your employees, and the work you do. This needs to be incorporated into your site. In order to accomplish this, you need to sit down with a designer and go over what is important to you. The important pieces of your business need to be highlighted … Continued
What Are My Customers Searching For? #FAQuesday
If you had to take a guess at how many Google searches occur each day, what would be your ballpark estimate? 1 million? 3 million? According to Google Search statistics, more than 3.5 billion searches are processed every day. With that staggering number in mind, how does an online marketer know which searches to target to draw potential customers to your website? At The Web Guys, we have the process down to a science. Here’s a breakdown of how our digital marketing experts shed light on what your customers are searching for, so we can ensure your content gives them what they’re seeking. Considering the History The initial stage of developing content for a Web page starts with researching the phrases searchers use to find a specific product or service online. Google Adwords offers a free Keyword Planner that gives historical search data, and it allows users to expand a keyword list by multiplying several keywords together. … Continued