You recognize that your content matters – it’s what brings your readers to the yard – but you may be at a loss about how to elevate it to the level of newsworthy and garner links in the process. The answer is content that strikes a personal chord with your target audience (and beyond). And your research, at its most basic level, involves deciphering who your fiercest competitors are getting their links from and then brainstorming your own inroads into similar territory. While there’s a lot of tech involved, the heart of the matter comes down to creating content that is newsworthy to begin with and that does a lot of the heavy lifting on its own.
Raw Content
Putting out newsworthy content isn’t a magic trick – and there is no magic formula. In the end, you need something to have something to say. While you probably aren’t in the business of reporting, this doesn’t mean that your business empire fails to generate newsworthy information of its own. If something’s happening on the ground with you (that you can share), allot some content to it. Ultimately, your brand is all about what’s unique to your enterprise, and sharing this via newsy content is a great way to keep things fresh. When it comes to raw content, it pays to dig around and find what works for you.
Public Goods
There is wide-ranging online information out there that is solid, is backed by legit statistics, and has the gravitas of sources like the U.S. government behind it. While the writing may be dry, the information is fundamental, and when you find specific sources and/or topics that are relevant to your online offerings, it’s time to dive in. If you spy something interesting, don’t be afraid to run with it (combining the data you cull from different sources can make your own content sizzle).
Survey Says
You have readers, and many of them have things to say, which makes surveys a great way to mine raw data and information that can evolve into the building blocks of newsworthy content. Consider the following:
- Surveys can help you identify what your customers and potential customers are clamoring for.
- Surveys can help you get a handle on the questions your customers and potential customers are most likely to have.
- Surveys can help you plumb the depths of your customers and potential customers’ needs.
- Surveys can provide you with raw material that drives content, but it can also point you toward new and noteworthy topics.
Speaking to Their Emotions
It is all well and good to provide your readers with stellar content that is jam-packed full of all the latest information, but if it fails to strike an emotional chord with your audience, you’re far less likely to convert them into loyal customers. When your content elicits an emotional response on some level, it is more powerful content that is more likely to move readers to action of some kind. This isn’t to say you should be sharing your company’s emotional baggage, should be coming on super strong, or should be doing the overly dramatic thing. What it does mean is that having a surprising hook – that makes the reader stop and think – can spark emotion and move the needle closer to newsworthy. For example:
- If you have information that you find surprising, chances are good that your audience will, too. If you deliver this gem with a twist – such as pitching it with panache in the title – you can shake things up further.
- Take a good, hard look at the biggest players out there (content-wise) in your business space, and let their efforts guide you. They are resonating with your potential customers on an emotional level, and once you crack their code, you’ll be well-positioned to do the same.
- Don’t be afraid to go with your gut from time to time. You built your business; you know what makes it tick, and you have a voice. Speaking from the heart is the most authentic way to connect with your target audience on an emotional level.
Making a Difference
One of the most important components of newsworthy content is making a difference. Another way to say it is content that is meaningful to your readers, to your core audience, and to the audience you’re cultivating. While smooth, inviting writing is nice, you’re not making the most of your content if it isn’t hitting your readers where they live (so to speak). Toward this end, all of the following factors matter:
- Who are you speaking to specifically?
- What topics that are organic to your brand resonate with this group?
- What do you have to say on these topics?
- How can you maximize the impact of your content in this arena?
The goal is to get out there and earn your stripes (in the form of links) and to – along the way – take some risks, have a bit of fun, and hone those overarching skills and efforts that make your content newsworthy.
Up Close and Personal
One final point that is worth making is that your team pours their blood, sweat, and tears into the brand you’re building together, and a few (or more) of them might have something interesting to share in terms of content. Having a cameo piece that highlights a stellar employee, for example, humanizes your enterprise, and when employees weigh in about products and/or services in a more personal way, it can add a touch of charm to the nitty-gritty business of hawking your wares.
Digital Marketing Specialists Helping You Get out There with New and Noteworthy Content
The digital marketing specialists at The Web Guys recognize that you’re ready to bring your strongest content, and we’ve got the content savvy and insight to help you stick your landing and earn the score of newsworthy that you’re going for. If you’re ready to get started, we’re ready for help, so please give us a call at (317) 805-4933 or connect with us today.