Getting Reacquainted with SEO
The importance of SEO has a way of insisting upon itself. You know it’s important, but you may have lost sight of exactly why it’s such a big deal. Yeah, it’s all about optimizing the search engine, but what does that really mean in the scheme of things? If this resonates with you, it’s time for a refresh, and we’re here for you.
Master YouTube SEO with Traffic-Generating Keywords
Want your YouTube videos to blow up? Of course, you do, but you may have no idea how to make that happen. Fortunately, there’s a handy-dandy keyword research process you can follow. Gone are the days when video marketing was gravy – it’s become a digital marketing staple, and if you’re missing out, your business is paying the price. If you haven’t dipped a toe in the video marketing pool, it’s time to come on in – the water’s fine, and if you’ve already tried your hand but haven’t found your groove, there are tips for you, too.
Keyword Research for SEO in 3 Easy Steps
Keyword research refers to the process of using analytics to identify those elusive keywords that are going to resonate with the audience you’re targeting. By scoping out these keywords, you greatly improve your ability to strategize content and hit your digital marketing goals. While it’s a complicated process, it is very doable – and there are three straightforward steps that can help you get there.
Small Businesses: Surviving the Google Ads Gauntlet
If you’ve ever defied the odds by slipping into your seat at an important meeting in the nick of time – only to discover you forgot the document or file that was your reason for being there in the first place, you’ve experienced that this can’t be happening feeling. In fact, most of us have been there more than once or twice, and when it comes to small businesses, Google Ads is often the stage for these missteps. Yes, Google Ads has much to offer, but there are plenty of chutes and ladders along the way that can leave you wondering where to turn for the help you need. The truth is that small businesses can compete with the major players in the Google Ads arena, but you’re well advised to bring your strongest game.
The Interplay of Site Quality and SEO Chops is Real
Quality is an elusive concept, and the interplay of your site’s overall quality and SEO is no exception. Distinguishing between those sites included in your link outreach that are forwarding your ranking, that are just hanging around and not doing much, or that are actually getting you penalized is an important but challenging matter. The goal is creating quality while bolstering the impact of your link building and reducing your overall risk, so let’s get going.
BMM Keyword Matching Walked So Updated Phrase Matching Can Run
When it comes to your Google Ads, if you are still thinking in terms of broad match modifier (BMM) keywords, you may need to pull over and absorb this next bit. In early 2021, Google began phasing out these keywords and began a targeted expansion of key-phrase matching in its stead. The complete transformation was achieved in July of 2021, which means that any BMM keywords you’re looking to for guidance are now phrase-match keywords masquerading as BMM keywords. And if you rely on both BMM keywords and phrase matching, you may be double-dipping with keywords in a manner that doesn’t behoove you (or your site’s ranking).
Let the Competition Be Your Guide
If your competition is outranking you online, don’t chalk it up to the luck of the draw or to happenstance. There is a reason the other guy has taken the lead on this one, and data analysis can help you get to the bottom of the matter and hone your competitive edge. There’s more to get out of the data that’s available to you than simply identifying the brand of content for which your target audience clamors. When you analyze data in relation to what readers want and what your hottest competition is providing, it can give your online offerings the boost for which you’re looking.
Customer Support: It’s Time to Think Third Wave
The old adage that the customer is king remains just as true today as it was the day the term was coined. If you run a successful business, you owe your success to your customers, and pouring your tender loving care into customer support is paramount. Having a sleekly automated online customer experience – from initial research through purchase, receipt, and support is great – but the bottom line is that this pipeline has to work, and your customers need to feel heard in the process. The third wave of customer service – after tasks and workflow – is refining your customer support practices, including incorporating AI search and natural language processing. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of this and how The Web Guys can help.
Google Sheds Light on Ranking Factors
You recognize that Google holds the keys to just about everything, which means that when it decides to share, you need to listen. If your competitor is ranking near the top of the heap when it comes to Google’s organic SERPs and you are not, it’s a marketing problem. But it’s a problem that Google – in its beneficence – is now going to help you out with a bit. You heard that right – Google is going to help – so let’s get started.
Newsworthy Content: How to Achieve It
You recognize that your content matters – it’s what brings your readers to the yard – but you may be at a loss about how to elevate it to the level of newsworthy and garner links in the process. The answer is content that strikes a personal chord with your target audience (and beyond). And your research, at its most basic level, involves deciphering who your fiercest competitors are getting their links from and then brainstorming your own inroads into similar territory. While there’s a lot of tech involved, the heart of the matter comes down to creating content that is newsworthy to begin with and that does a lot of the heavy lifting on its own.