Break out the nice dinnerware — Thanksgiving is finally upon us! The Web Guys has been waiting all year long for the holidays, and we couldn’t be more excited for the arrival of festive celebrations, ugly holiday sweaters (appropriate office attire from Thanksgiving until Jan. 1), and copious amounts of delicious, sleep-inducing turkey (for non-vegetarian digital marketers). As we all barrel through Thanksgiving dinner to make it in time for Black Friday deals, let’s not forget the meaning of the holiday: showing gratitude.
After gathering for a Thanksgiving pitch-in earlier this week, I asked my fellow Web Guys (and Gals) some hard-hitting questions about their holiday preferences and traditions.
1. What are you most thankful for this year?
2. What (is/are) your favorite thing(s) about Thanksgiving?
3. If you could have any Thanksgiving-themed super power, what would you choose?
Kylee, Client Success Advisor:
1. I’m thankful for another year of health for me and my family.
2. My favorite thing is Mom’s desserts. She makes at least five different things, and if you put in a request, you’re sure to get your favorite!
3. Ability to eat without gaining any weight!! (I guess some people are actually born with that “power” though …)
Ben, Lead Application Developer:
1. My family and computers.
2. Food and playing games with family.
3. Ability to shoot mashed potatoes out of my right hand and gravy out of the left.
Elizabeth, Client Success Advisor:
1. Great shopping deals that I won’t be taking advantage of.
2. Gives me a valid excuse to eat too much and sleep.
3. Wolverine’s powers, except my retractable claws are actually drum sticks.
Chad F., Director of Sales:
1. Being surrounded by people that support me and my goals.
2. Food and sleeping on the couch after food.
3. Never get full.
Andrea, Chief Word Nerd:
1. The love and support of my friends and family.
2. Leftovers!
3. The “bewitching” ability to wiggle my nose and instantly clean up the aftermath so everyone can relax and enjoy each other’s company — and no one gets dishpan hands!
Scott, Web Designer & Developer:
1. I am most thankful for the incredible support system I find in my family and friends.
2. My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is FaceTiming with my family in Tennessee.
3. I would absolutely love to be able to talk to turkeys (and all animals, really).
Danny, Client Success Advisor:
1. To be working at The Web Guys. Obviously.
2. The excuse to eat as much as possible without guilt.
3. The ability to eat limitless amounts of food, which would allow me to become Food Eating Champion of the World.
Joe (me), Client Success Advisor:
1. I’m most thankful that Star Wars is coming out in just a few weeks.
2. Yelling at the TV with my uncles over two football teams I know nothing about.
3. The ability to instantly turn any awkward dinner conversation into a lighthearted rap battle.
While we may all be thankful for different things in our own personal lives, as a group we’re thankful for our clients (and our reviews suggest that they may feel they same way). Through the trust and the collaborative relationship we share with each business The Web Guys work with, we have a found a reason to be thankful all year round.
Thanks to all of the wonderful businesses we have the pleasure of serving, and Happy Thanksgiving!