For those of you who don’t know, May 4-8 is National Small Business Week! Since 1963, this government-sponsored week highlights and recognizes the efforts of small business across the country and the impact these enterprises have on our economy and culture.
I can genuinely say we are so proud and humbled to be a thriving small business, and we are very thankful to have the opportunity to work alongside so many small businesses across the country. We see the impact these businesses have on our economy every single day.
So to celebrate National Small Business Week, The Web Guys decided to give back to the small businesses (and everyone else) in our office building. Yesterday we proudly passed out free coffee, donuts, and TWG water bottles to our friends and neighbors.

We set up shop in the lobby and greeted everyone with treats as they arrived to work. And what a great experience! We were able to start everyone’s days off with bright smiles, and we had the chance to meet a lot of friendly faces we see on a daily basis, but never get the chance to actually meet.
So on behalf of The Web Guys, I want to thank all of the small business owners and employees we work with on a daily basis for everything you do! Your enthusiastic, entrepreneurial spirits help this small business more than we can say.
And for all of the other small businesses across the country, we appreciate everything you do!