Angie's List Free Subscriptions

Free Subscriptions Coming Soon to Angie’s List

Posted on: March 10, 2016

Angie’s List is shifting its business this summer from a paid-only membership model to a tiered subscription system with a free option. This is a pretty big change considering the powers that be over at Angie’s List have held on to their payment model for 20 years now. The new changes are expected to begin rolling out to selected markets in Q2 2016 with a completed rollout in Q3 2016. Interestingly enough, the city that houses Angie’s List, Indianapolis, will likely not see these changes until late summer or early fall. How will it work? Currently, the cheapest Angie’s List membership fee is $3.25 per month. Once the rollout begins, a free option will be available that offers access to a selection of business ratings and reviews. This will operate through display advertising allowing users to seek out and read the reviews. There will, of course, still be paid subscription … Continued

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